For most people, a crooked or uneven bite can be characterized by teeth that are noticeably misaligned, an apparent overbite or underbite, or a crooked smile. However, a crooked bite is a lot more than just cosmetics. If a crooked bite is left untreated, it can lead to a myriad of oral health issues, and even affect your overall health. If you believe you have a crooked bite, then it is important to seek orthodontic treatment from an expert who specializes in treating crooked bites. At Rawle Orthodontics, our team specializes in treating crooked bites to ensure a healthy and beautiful smile. If you would like to learn more or schedule a consultation, feel free to contact us today!

Common Signs of a Crooked Bite

Are you unsure if your bite is uneven? If so, here are some signs and symptoms that can help you determine if you have a crooked bite. However, it is always best to see an orthodontist for diagnosis and treatment to ensure the best results.

Appearance: The most obvious way of determining if you have a crooked bite is by checking if your bite may be uneven in appearance. Teeth that are crooked, twisted, or overcrowded are some of the more obvious signs of a crooked bite; however, another strong indicator is how your teeth line up with the midline of your face. Pro tip: You will be able to tell more when you smile. If you are not able to spot these signs, then it is always best to have an orthodontist provide a diagnosis, as they can spot the most minor issues. 

Headaches: If you have frequent headaches, an uneven bite may be the cause of them. When your teeth and jaw aren’t aligned properly, this means they aren’t able to work as they are supposed to. As a result, the muscles of your jaw can become strained and cause chronic headaches.

TMJ/Jaw Pain: If you feel discomfort or pain when you bite or from repetitive chewing, or even if you hear a clicking noise when you chew, these can be other signs of a crooked bite. Crooked bites can cause your jaw muscle to become strained overtime from chewing and even talking. With time, this can result in temporomandibular joint disorder (TMJ). If your teeth and jaw are not aligned properly, it can cause pain and clicking when chewing, yawning or speaking.

Grinding or clenching: If you tend to grind or clench your teeth, especially when you’re sleeping, this is a common indicator of a crooked bite. Grinding and clenching occur because your teeth are trying to strive for symmetry in an attempt to compensate for what is intended to happen (an even bite).

Weak dental work: When your bite isn’t aligned, this can cause dental work, such as fillings, caps and crowns, to loosen overtime with just chewing or even speaking. This can result in tooth decay in previous dental work, which can cause serious problems in the long run.

Uneven wear and tooth sensitivity: A crooked bite can also result in uneven wear on a tooth’s surface, ultimately causing tooth sensitivity. 

Contact Us Today for Crooked Bite Treatment

While these are some common signs and symptoms of a crooked bite, it is always best to seek diagnosis and treatment from a licensed orthodontist. At Rawle Orthodontics, we have the knowledge, experience, and skills to provide you with the treatment you need to improve and protect your smile. Contact us today to schedule a consultation!

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